Contact Us

Request an Appointment

PLEASE NOTE: This is a REQUESTED appointment, not a scheduled appointment. We will contact you to confirm the date/time available.
If you are having an emergency or do not see your appointment type listed please call our office at (719) 528-7016. Thanks!


Visit Us

1685 Briargate Blvd, Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Call Us

(719) 528-7016

Email Us

Working Hours

Monday (Business Phones Only):
7:30am to 4:30pm

Tuesday – Thursday:
7:30am to 4:30pm

Friday – Sunday:

Chapel Hills Park

Directions: You can find us across from Dick’s Sporting Goods and the Chapel Hills Mall, just past Barnes & Noble on Briargate Boulevard. Hartle Family Dentistry’s convenient Chapel Hills Professional Park is less than a quarter-mile east from the North Academy intersection.